Mugwort - Artemisia, the most commonly used Chinese Herb
& its healing uses
presented by Johan Hausen & Andrea Moreno
Approved by Acupuncture NZ for 3.5 hours of CPD
Learn how to roll your own moxa sticks!
Get an Artemisia plant to start growing your own!
JULY 13th, 10am-2pm(1/2 hr lunch break at noon)
Approved by Acupuncture NZ for 3.5 hours of CPD
Nyma Tashi Buddhist Centre, Mt. Albert, AUCKLAND

Johan Hausen BHSc (Acu), trained for five years in the Five Immortals Temple, China, under the tutelage of a Daoist priest (Li Shifu), where he learnt the traditional ways of mugwort processing.
Andrea Moreno, Daoist Arts practitioner, studied in the same Daoist temple in China, under the tutelage of Li Shifu.
A common saying in medical texts states:
'知药不知针, 知针不知灸, 不足为上医。'
"Knowing herbal medicine, but not knowing acupuncture, or knowing acupuncture, but not knowing moxibustion is not sufficient to be a Great Doctor."
Get back in touch with nature just as the barefoot doctors of the past and learn the tools to roll your own moxa sticks. At the end of the course you will be equipped with everything you need to know and a mugwort plant to start your own plantation. Moxa sticks made with home-grown moxa are superior to commercial moxa that is processed. You only need to smell it once to judge it for yourself.
The term for acupuncture in Chinese, 'Zhen Jiu' [针灸] itself incorporates two parts, the former being acupuncture [zhen 针] and the latter being moxibustion [jiu 灸].
Mugwort (Artemisia Argyii) is probably the single most important herb in Chinese medicine. Its uses are very versatile and it has been used in many cultures all over the world such as the native Americans, the Mayans, the Europeans and across Asia. However many practitioners do not even know what the plant looks like or the procedure involved in making moxa floss and moxa sticks. Many practitioners depend entirely on shops to purchase their mugwort and therefore an important aspect of Chinese medicine, the ability to recognise herbs in nature, has been totally eradicated. To the presenter's knowledge there is only one course in Taiwan that takes students into the mountains, apart from some short herbal walks that are offered in California at one acupuncture school.
- The history of mugwort
- Theoretical know-how of harvest, preparation and drying of mugwort.
- Theory of less known usages and techniques with moxa (such as moxa pressing, rush moxa, moxa cake, moxa footbath, incense, as well as aconite-, leek-, garlic-, ginger-separated moxibustion), Great Reduction Moxibustion
- Practice of making Purple Cloud Ointment, an anti-burn cream for indirect moxa and rice grain moxa
- Practical application of Heavenly Moxibustion.
- Rolling and sealing of moxa sticks with traditional materials and added herbal ground formula
No herbal or previous moxibustion knowledge is required to attend this workshop.
All materials will be provided.
You will be provided with an Artemisia plant to start growing your own mugwort.
Artemisia is a very hardy plant and it will grow fast and easy. Within one summer you will have plenty of moxa to work with.
Caution: Mugwort can be quite dusty and if you suffer from asthma or any other respiratory condition it is suggested to bring a simple facemask for the practical part.
The MAXIMUM number of participants is 15!
CANCELLATIONS: No refund is given for cancellations due to the limited number of participants.
CONTACT: RSVP to 0212022407 or
Spaces are limited, so do not leave it too late. First come, first served.