The Miracle of Qi Gong & Daoist Meditation 

Playa del Carmen, Mexico ~ December 7 & 8th, 2019


Qi Gong is a practice with more than 5000 years of history, consisting on meditation movements to cultivate Qi (vital force), inner peace and harmony. It's a practice that integrates mind, body and Spirit. In this case it is a pure ancient Daoist lineage Qi Gong from the Five Immortals Temple, Sacred Mountains of Wudang, China.

Qi Gong empowers you, defies your mind, your breathing, your coordination and your will, in a peaceful and beautiful way. It is a dynamic and flexible practice, for all ages, physical conditions and ideologies. No material or experience is required, just an open mind and open heart.

The course is designed for you to be able to practice on your own, understanding the practice with enough depth from the Daoist traditional and spiritual perspectives, and what are its benefits.

Among the benefits of Qi Gong are the following:

  • Calms the mind, reduces stress and anxiety
  • Trains the mind, improves focus, cognition and intuition abilities
  • Prevents and heals physical, mental and emotional diseases and disorders
  • Catalyzes and accelerates healing processes
  • Improves Qi and blood circulation
  • Increases your energy, balances your Yin and Yang
  • Strengthens your body gently and improves your posture
  • Leads you to find inner peace
  • Connects you consciously with your Spirit, empowering you

CONTENT OF THE COURSE (to be translated into English soon)

I. Introduction

1. Conceptos clave, historia, contexto
2. Una experiencia de sanación real y dinámica a través del Qi Gong, la meditación y otras herramientas

II. Fundamental knowledge

1. Cosmología Taoísta: trascendiendo la dualidad, volviendo a la Unidad
1.1 La creación. El universo, el mundo y el ser humano
1.2 Principios de Unidad y Dualidad

2. La utilidad del sistema de entendimiento dualista
2.1 Fundamentos básicos y esencia de la Medicina China Taoísta
2.2 Teoría de los Cinco Elementos, Meridianos y Puntos de acupuntura clave

3. La visión no dual de la sanación y la medicina
3.1 Conócete a ti mismo: Tao, ego y Espíritu
3.2 El pensamiento, las creencias, las emociones, la consciencia y el cuerpo

III. Qi Gong & Meditation in action

1. Métodos de apoyo
2. Serie de Qi Gong medicinal de los Cinco Inmortales y método de colecta de Gong
3. Fundamentos de la meditación y métodos
4. Método tradicional de los monjes Taoístas para cultivar la quietud
5. Requerimientos

IV. The Miracle of Qi Gong & Meditation: from physics and chemistry to eternity and the infinity.

V. Responsibility and balance on the spiritual and healing journey 

Intensive instruction (~18 hr total)

  • Saturday Dec 7th, 10am-6:00pm.
  • Sunday Dec 8th, 10am-6:00pm.
  • Break ~1hr for lunch.

Where: Holistic Healing Centre "La Casa de Los Aluxes". Playa del Carmen.

Basic instructions:

  • Do not eat meat during the days of instruction (and preferably between both Saturdays), avoid excess of sugar, salt and heavy meals.
  • Bring comfortable clothing, water and notebook. It is not necessary to bring yoga mat or meditation cushion- they will be provided.
  • We encourage you to bring flowers, fruit and incense for the offering. Open heart and mind too!
*Specific instructions will be provided timely.

What students say...















How the course looked like...

From China and Mexico to the world, with love.
All rights reserved, 2019
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