The power of the lineage resides within the practices I offer to teach, which come from a unique spiritual family line; this implies they have a series of atributes of unique value, such as a pure, historical and authentic origin, based on thousands of years of learning and practice, with a profound knowledge and experience background.

The transmission from teacher to a single disciple within the Daoist sects is highly strict, knowledge is not transmitted unless the disciple overcomes a series of hard tests, not only at technical, discipline, capacity and ability levels - physically, mentally and emotionally, but most importantly at the level of the purity of the heart. Tests and close examination can take more than 10 years, the disciple aiming at being the recipient of the knowledge and wisdom must renounce the world and become a renunciant monk or nun, taking refuge in the Dao, following Daoist precepts. This process is stated as "Dao bu luan chuan", which means: "the Dao may not be passed messily". This tradition of single-disciple transmission dates back from the Yellow Emperor times.

Li Shifu demonstrates an exceptional virtue being the recipient of unique wisdom from different sects- some of which are among the most important sects within Daoism, and also by deciding to open the door to foreigners to receive the knowledge he can share. I am very honored to be part of his lineage as a student.

1) Daoist sects are not extreme sects but religious groups of teachers, disciples and monks dedicated to the pacific cultivation of the Self, teaching Daoist Arts, helping heal the ill and guide people in their spiritual journeys.
2) Liu Li Hang and Tao Fa Zhen are not the only teachers of Li Shifu. However, they are the most known teachers for those of us who have spent some time with Shifu as students, those disciples that have had the fortune to live with him for years are better versed on his personal story and the specific origin of many of his teachings. The content that we learn at the temple comes from different teachers and lineages whose transmission has been of vital importance. 


From China and Mexico to the world, with love.
All rights reserved, 2019
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